Travel and Savour: Paris, Little Red Door

Travel and Savour: Paris, Little Red Door

Paris is my second home, outside of Jamaica.

It is truly a city of wonder. I’ve spent large amounts of time meandering through its tiny streets and strolling down the grands boulevards. In the midst of the glitz and glamour found in this awe-inspiring city, there are boundless experiences to be Savoured.

Fair warning… Paris will make its way into this space more than once (understatement) in the same way it’s found its way into my heart, so this is a mere introduction to my love of Paris and some of my own Savour Experiences.

Outside of George V and the Plaza Athenée, there are small unknown spots abound, providing significant opportunities for visitors to the ‘City of Lights’ to soak in the ambience of the local dwellers and tourists alike. Many visitors seek out the highly marketed tourist spots or alternatively, zone in on spots catering to ‘locals only’.  My aim is to go in search of that little place that welcomes both locals and foreign visitors alike.

The Little Red Door; to this day is such a sweet memory. 60 rue Charlot and I walked past it 3 times as if it were the room of requirement (shameless Harry Potter reference). It wasn’t until I was skulking a few metres away longingly  checking my ‘Google Maps’, and saw 2 women disappear as if into nowhere – that I noticed the entrance to this tiny cocktail bar. There is indeed a ‘Little Red Door’ hidden behind a less-than-stately grey one, but that’s for kicks – as there is an Alice-in-Wonderland style, human-sized door, just to the left of it for you to actually enter.
If the décor doesn’t stop you flat-footed, the cocktail menu will.

A ‘menu styled like a hard-cover children’s book’ maintains that Wonderland-like flair and is presented for you to choose the mixology that feels right for your night.

Check their Instagram here

What the hell is she talking about?!

You literally get a hard book with visual representations of the various cocktails that are offered at this bar created by different artists. Whichever of the images speaks to you, is the cocktail that you are encouraged to try.

Not feeling quite so adventurous…? Or do you know just what you want? That’s an option too. Just order, sip, and Savour! Since my last visit, the menu has no doubt changed and continues to change twice a year to utilize whatever fresh produce is in season. But whatever menu you get to choose from, I’m sure the experience will leave you just as awe-struck as I was and with a promise (to yourself more than anyone else!) to return.


Names and addresses tend to evade me in my Savour Experiences in Paris, since I wander with rose-coloured glasses. Nothing beats a sidewalk café, people watching, a chilled glass of Rosé, (or a Mojito Royale), street sounds, and dull chatter of several different languages wafting through the air.

Is it just me or are you half expecting to hear Charles Trenet singing La Mer, or to see Ernest Hemingway ‘cotched’ in a corner of this café?

With my own personal style, a mix of functional, comfortable, and black, Parisians never fail to intrigue me – in a good way. The effortless non-makeup, makeup with red lips, the high fashion men in outfits that look like they are straight out of a pinterest ‘dream outfits’ board or….well, Paris!!!!… the tap-tap-tap of heels on cobblestone streets – all tantalize my five…no, six senses – and make me want to drink whatever ‘eau natural’ or as we say ‘Koolaid’ they’re serving and be transformed. A girl can dream right? But I digress…

Savour Experiences are to be found in every nook and cranny of Paris. If you put on a good pair of (Parisian-stylish) walking shoes, turn off your trip advisor app, and just wander with an open mind. Something will present itself to you, leaving you yearning for more of that ‘je ne sais quoi’.

Savour something good next time you travel and tell me all about it! I love a good recommendation.




Photo Credit: Header Photo from The Parisianist